Toward a Reformating of the Civil Aviation Sector : Autonomous Flying Vehicles

  • Par la rédaction du site CREOGN
  • Publié le 09 septembre 2021, mis à jour le 12 juillet 2024

Research Note Issue 53

By Patrick MERVENT, a lieutenant-colonel in the gendarmerie citizen reserve working with the air transport gendarmerie

"The eco-friendly movement had already targeted the aerial sector with « plane bashing » (shame of travelling with airplane due to carbon footprint). Airline companies from all over the world are now sustainably weakened by the coronavirus pandemic, whether financially or in their operations. This situation often required state support in order to avoid bankruptcy without any recovery guarantee within a short period. For instance, Italian company Alitalia received 3 billion euros in state-guaranteed loans, the latter becoming the company’s owner. (...)"

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Ces contenus peuvent vous intéresser

Numéros d'urgence

  • Police - Gendarmerie : 17
  • Pompier : 18
  • Service d'Aide Médicale Urgente (SAMU) : 15
  • Sourds et malentendants : ou 114 par SMS
  • Urgence Europe : 112

Sécurité et écoute

  • Enfance en danger : 119
  • Violences conjugales : 39 19
  • Maltraitance personnes âgées ou en situation de handicap : 39 77