The Analyst’s Role within Intelligence Services with the Advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Par la rédaction du site CREOGN
  • Publié le 22 mai 2024, mis à jour le 05 juillet 2024

Research Note Issue 97

"Recognising that the strategic autonomy enabled by intelligence activities is intrinsically linked to information superiority, Florence Parly, then Minister for the Armed Forces, predicted in 2019 that "AI would give our data mining resources an immeasurable boost" . Faced with this surge in capabilities embodied by AI, what are the prospects for analytical work? What role does the human analyst now play in the data mining process? How are the duties of analysts within intelligence services changing with the rise of algorithms, whilst "the variety of applications is set to be considerable"?

In addition to the issues linked to the use of sovereign tools, AI undoubtedly represents a major development. The latter is no longer just technological, but also financial, organisational and institutional, meaning that the implementation of AI tools within services can have multiple effects that transcend the sole aspect linked to analytical skills."

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