From Chernobyl to Covid : the Sociology of Risk as a Frame of Reference

  • Par la rédaction du site CREOGN
  • Publié le 09 septembre 2021, mis à jour le 12 juillet 2024

Research Note Issue 50

By Colonel David BIÈVRE, Deputy Director of Real Estate and Housing (DGGN/DSF)

"The sociology of risk has invaded the fields of public health where the usual interpretive frameworks had become inoperative. Since the 1980s, this sociology has tried to provide answers to the issues and challenges posed by the advances of society. In this sense, the different schools of thought have noted the consequences of a disregard of expert knowledge on which public action is based. Public action must take advantage of this loss of influence in the scientific sphere, to escape from its dependence and regain a form of legitimacy within public interest. It is also at this price that science will recover its complete autonomy and its power of demonstration. (...)"

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Ces contenus peuvent vous intéresser

Numéros d'urgence

  • Police - Gendarmerie : 17
  • Pompier : 18
  • Service d'Aide Médicale Urgente (SAMU) : 15
  • Sourds et malentendants : ou 114 par SMS
  • Urgence Europe : 112

Sécurité et écoute

  • Enfance en danger : 119
  • Violences conjugales : 39 19
  • Maltraitance personnes âgées ou en situation de handicap : 39 77