Endangered Works of Art : Cultural Property trafficking in the Context of Armed Conflicts, Terrorism and Organized Crime

  • Par Contributeur CRGN
  • Publié le 30 juin 2017, mis à jour le 15 juillet 2024

Research Note Issue 23

By Lt Blandine JOLIBOIS

"Cultural heritage and its artefacts provide an essential legacy to understand the economic, social and historical contexts of any civilization—like footprints evidencing the presence and activities of humankind at a given period in its development. This legacy has always been threatened in many ways: gratuitous or irrational destruction - from vandalism to deliberate attempts to annihilate the identity of specific communities -, large-scale removals or ruthless plunder linked to armed conflicts. Human greed is also at work through large networks of organized crime connecting plain thieves looking for profit with obsessive collectors, forgers, drug traffickers, arms dealers and even terrorists. (...)"

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Ces contenus peuvent vous intéresser

Numéros d'urgence

  • Police - Gendarmerie : 17
  • Pompier : 18
  • Service d'Aide Médicale Urgente (SAMU) : 15
  • Sourds et malentendants : www.urgence114.fr ou 114 par SMS
  • Urgence Europe : 112

Sécurité et écoute

  • Enfance en danger : 119
  • Violences conjugales : 39 19
  • Maltraitance personnes âgées ou en situation de handicap : 39 77