Covid-19 and Terrorism : Threat Assessment in a Pandemic Context

  • Par la rédaction du site CREOGN
  • Publié le 09 septembre 2021, mis à jour le 12 juillet 2024

Research Note Issue 48

By Alexandre RODDE, a lieutenant in the gendarmerie operational reserve and a researcher specializing in terrorism and mass killings issues

"While the global Covid-19 pandemic has afflicted more than two million people worldwide, the western security situation remains a concern. In France, domestic security forces are engaged in multiple fronts : crisis management within institutions, enforcing the lockdown rules, issuing fines to offendersand carrying out their daily missions...While they have to deal with lockdown-related issues (domestic violence, riots in detention facilities in particular), they must face every situation with a reduced number of personnel while taking into account the risks of infection. In this difficult context, the terrorist threat remains high, as shown by the attack in Romans-sur-Isère in which a radicalized individual killed two people with a knife and injured five others. (...)"

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Ces contenus peuvent vous intéresser

Numéros d'urgence

  • Police - Gendarmerie : 17
  • Pompier : 18
  • Service d'Aide Médicale Urgente (SAMU) : 15
  • Sourds et malentendants : ou 114 par SMS
  • Urgence Europe : 112

Sécurité et écoute

  • Enfance en danger : 119
  • Violences conjugales : 39 19
  • Maltraitance personnes âgées ou en situation de handicap : 39 77